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Application has been posted. Before I can grant trial status RTTC Infantry needs to say something on your behalf.
INFANTRY here guys Ravage aka Robert Wilson is a very close freind to me and my dispatcher. Although I dont think he plays alot of FPS I do know he is a great gamer who respects others around him. If you guys wanna get to know him add him and hit it up...Or just get in a party with me because 90% of the time hes in it just ask SCUBA
good man
XboxLive: GermansRTTC
Steam: germansrttc
Trial status has been granted. For the next two weeks you'll be a recruit and I would try to meet and play with as many RTTC members as you can. They will be the ones voting for you after your two week trial period. Good Luck!
Thanks! I look forward to meeting everyone!
Congratulations on becoming apart of Rotten to the Core!