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Syn Texas will be changing his name to RTTC Thurman for an extended 6 month trial organized by BMT and myself. After that he can change it 😂😂😂.... But yeah I will vouch for him. He is a decent team player and even if he doesn't understand the flow of the map he will listen and play as a team.
Countryboy is my son and has wanted to join RTTC for awhile but was told he was too young. He's 24 now and I believe with a little guidance will be a good addition to the active members.
Once the member who referred you says something on your behalf, your trial status will begin.
Thank you. I’ll do my best to show that I would like to be apart of the group. With that to be said I am moving so I will be on and off here and there this weekend as a heads up Hope I can prove that I can earn a spot in your ranks.
He's a little bastard but will generally follow the lobby guidelines set down. lot's of fun to play against as well the shoveling little jerk. Plus he is a much better player than his father
I believe I had heard that a name change is required for you to join. I believe it was requested RTTC Thurman.
I will recommend him for membership, good team player good communications. Trial status should be granted
I can vouch for Snipe played with him and his brother Lane and from what I saw over the few hours was good team skills and good people. Trial status should be granted
Once the member(s) who recommended you say something on your behalf, your trial status will begin.
Once the member who recommended you says something on your behalf your trial status can begin.
Thank you I look forward to playing with you guys and learning how to better myself. Much appreciated for the opportunity given
Once a member has said something on your behalf, your trial status will begin. Note, you were not recommended by a member of RTTC and as such your application process cannot continue. I would suggest playing with different clan members, and have one of them say something on your behalf. To find more members to play with, please look at our member page and send out some messages and friend requests!
Look forward to seeing you on!
Once the person who recommended you says something on your behalf, your trial status will begin.
since I only played against you not with you I cant say anything on your behalf. Send me a friend request and I will look for you online and introduce you to some members to get you started.
This application is closed.
As no one has said anything on your behalf this appication is closed.
How long is the application open bbefore it is denied? It seems that if the person who he claims recommended him has not spoken on his behalf by now it is probaly not going to happen.
Has he been given member status? If not he has changed his name to RTTC Sniper. I did not htink this was allowed until you were voted in?
Its not something we would like people to do that haven't been voted in, unfortunetly there isn't actually anything we can do to stop people from doing it. I would say not a good idea especially on his part being he hasnt had his referrer speak on his behalf, nor have we even began a vote for him.
He has not been voted in. He is not even on trial status because the person who recommeded him did not say anything on his behalf.